Text originally published in portuguese.

]You’re thinking of buying an air conditioner, but do not know which one fits in your profile? We will present here the advantages and disadvantages of Window and Split models.

Window: Popularly known as air conditioning of wall.

Benefits of Window air conditioning:

– The value of the unit is cheaper.
– They are more compact (condenser, compressor and evaporator are in the same office).
– It is easy to install.

Disadvantages of window air conditioning:

– Works with low capacity, ie, models of low-power, 7,000 BTU to 30,000 BTU.
– They generate more noise than a split air conditioning.

Who should choose window type of air conditioning?

– For people who live in small environments
– Dwell homes or condominiums where there are no noise restrictions.
– In case you don’t have a hole ready for air conditioning, it’s necessary to do one through the wall for the placement of Window-type air. It is therefore suitable for those who have their own house or if the tenant has permission to place an opening.
– You can not spend much money on an air conditioner. Although today the value of air window is closer to a Split, the buyer must remember that the price of installation of the split is higher.
– Energy economy is not defined by the type of air conditioning. Windows are less expensive than some types of Split. Always worth checking the consumption of air conditioning before buying an appliance.

Split: The Split air conditioner is named like that because of the system of Window air conditioner and split into two units, so the split is composed of two modules. A module is in the indoor (evaporator) and the other in the external environment (condenser).

Advantages of split air conditioner:

– Low noise level.
– There are several types of Split, and the ability of some can reach up to 80,000 BTU.
– Has a remote control allows remote operation
– The hole in the part required for its installation is much lower. How is divided into two units, the external drive (it is outside the house or apartment) is connected with the internal by copper pipes, a small space and the wall is open for passage of these tubes.
– Aesthetically nicer. There are brands investing in design as more of a Split differential.

Disadvantages of Split air conditioner:

– The split is more expensive than the window, even the simplest models of split end up leaving more expensive for the price of installation is high.
– Installation is difficult and should be made professional.
– Not allowed to put in some buildings due to its rules, for example, changing the facade of the place aesthetically.

Who should choose Split type of air conditioner?

– For people who are concerned with comfort than with the price.
– Can open a hole in the wall, and are concerned about the aesthetics of the environment.
– Want to cool a relatively large space.
– Energy savings will depends, there are splits that consume more energy than a window air conditioning.
